I live in one of those neighborhoods whose homes were built in the 1950s. Homes in this established neighborhood eventually show their age and/or are in need of repair/restoration and perhaps an update. Add to the mix that the neighborhood has that Middle Class American Suburbia, keep up with the Joneses culture. Depending on the resident's budget (time, energy, disposable income), upkeep and improvement vary from lawn/yard service to full-blown renovation/remodels. The demographics can -- and have been over and over -- pretty much be drawn from there. And in the spirit of "If you [built] it [years ago], they will come," commercial enterprises both large and small are dialed into the area. Now, I'm not talking realtors, pollsters and such, but contractors, handymen, specialists. And they come like ambulance chasers. And remnants of their visits (flyers, brochures, pamphlets, business cards) adorn residents' front door, garage door, mailbox, etc., reminding us that...