My apologies in advance to all who did the grin-and-bear-it thing with Hoover -- and all he brought with him -- any time between 1993-2008. I came across this ad a week ago. (Shown; those "crazy eyes", although a different color, bear a strikingly eerie resemblance dontcha think?)
Makes me wonder how the course of history would have been altered had Da Hoov taken on a regimen of herbal remedies. Would I still be living in that 1 BD apartment off Eastlake Ave.? Would there be fewer postal carriers on the defensive or a glut of ladies undergarments? Hard to say. But given his extraordinary will, I think history wouldn't have changed one lick. And Da Hoov would have taken the meds, as we would an after dinner mint, and muttered in a language as clear as day to any dog whisperer: "Is that all you got?!"